How to sell AD Spots


First of all, go to the AD Dashboard. Scroll down to “Plugin Options” and select the “Buy and Sell Ads” tab. Select your preferred currency (Only Paypal accepted currencies are available) and add the order page URL.

What is the order page URL? This is the URL users get send to after they click the “Advertise here” button. To get the URL you will need to create a new page and add the following shortcode to it:

[ wpproads_buysell_form ] Note: remove the spaces before and after [ wpproads_buysell_form ] if not the shortcode will not work. The spaces added in this example prevent the shortcode from rendering on this demo page.

Also, don’t forget to add your Paypal email address to receive payments under the Paypal settings. Once that’s all done you can save the settings and move on to create an adzone.

Create Adzone

To create an ADzone go to the Banner Creator in the left menu and click the “New Adzone” button.

On the adzone settings page add the adzone info and scroll down to option 4 “Sell AD Spots”.

Here you can define the contract for the banners and choose which banner you want to use as the “Advertise Here” button (make sure you created a banner first). Once you saved the adzone settings you can go to the export tab, copy the shortcode and add it to your website. Now users will be able to purchase their banners on your site automatically.

Advertise here banner Example


Don’t want to create an advertise here banner yourself, you can use the following code. Import it as a new banner in the Visual Banner Creator.