NOTE: Background ads are not yet available for banners created with the Visual Banner Creator.
Background ads are one of the “pre-defined display options” to create them you should use the Shortcode Editor.
You can find the shortcode editor in the admin menu under Advertising -> Adzones -> Get Code.
Then click the “Open Shortcode Editor” button.
Then open the “background ad options”
You now will get all available background ad options:
- Load Adzone as Background:
- Yes – will load the adzone as a background ad anywhere the shortcode gets added.
- No – the adzone will get loaded as a normal adzone.
- Background Container: by default, this will be the “body” tag of your website. Although some themes may require you to add the background ad to another div tag. In that case, you can specify the specific div ID/class here.
- Background Container Type: In case your theme requires a specific div as the background ad container you should define here if you are using the div ID or class.
- Background Color: The background color for your background ad. default will be transparent.
- Repeat: Do you want the background ad to repeat?
- No repeat – The ad will only show once.
- Repeat – The ad will repeat itself to fill the entire background.
- Stretch: Do you want to stretch the background ad to fill the full width of the page?
- No Stretch – The ad will keep it’s original width.
- Stretch – The ad will adjust it’s width to the width of the website.